Recently, while watching Real Time with Bill Maher, Bill stated that many of the black women that he knows did not care whether or not OJ Simpson (I dislike even writing the name) did beat and kill his estranged wife, they still really liked OJ. On his show the week that the Don Imus story broke he stated that he doubted whether many 21 year old black women even knew who Don Imus was until the story broke. I thought "oh my GOD this man is obnoxious," how dare he speak for black women, even the one's that he knows, and how dare he be so presumptive to conclude that younger black women did not know who Don Imus was.
I thought about this long and hard. Mr. Maher is often applauded in many circles for being a wm who openly and unapologetically dates bw. Many folks that I've talked to have admired his choices in bw - the dark complexioned shapely bw. My thoughts are as simple as this, just because you date bw and love being with them does not mean that you can speak for them. I don't want another black women speaking for me, or representing (misrepresenting) me without my input or say so, let alone someone like Mr. Maher who has a forum like Real Time. What I found most offensive, is how insensitive he was and how his statements were presented as fact when they were nothing more than his opinions. After all he does not know the sentiments and feelings of all of the bw that he does know.
Ultimately, I guess my expectations are that a man like Maher has an opportunity to dispel myths and generalizations. He seemed to do the opposite. It was alarming. When dating I want the MAN I'm with to protect my honor. I'm not saying that I want a man that agrees with every position or opinion that I have, but I don't want him to be on the opposite side of the fence either.
I used to know this white woman who was dating a black guy at the time. She told me right in front of him that he did not like black women, and would never consider dating one. The guy nearly fell on the floor. He said that the statement was absolutely not true, and he was hurt that she had formed this inaccurate impression of him. I wonder if this is the way that some of the black women that Mr. Maher spoke for felt?
Bill Maher dates black bimbos. His ex already openly stated that when they get in arguments, he'd insult her intelligence, call her "ghetto," etc. He's also said he's not a chocoholic. He just likes women who are "real" and those women happen to be black. Pardon me while I roll my eyes.
I dislike Bill Maher so much. I USED to agree with some of his politics. But, I'm sick of seeing him pictured with these "video vixens" and now he thinks he's down with black people and he can speak as if he knows how black women think.
Bill Maher likes black women like Hugh Heffner likes white blonde women (EXCEPT Hugh Heffner actually married one of his bimbos at some point.)
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