I'll start by stating that you can go to any blog authored by an African American women and most likely find a photo of this guy posted on it. Love him, love him, love him. Personally, I can't get enough of him. He is quite masculine, sans the fake machismo and bravura. Handsome doesn't come close when describing that gorgeous face. Wit for days.
So what makes so many brown girls crazy for this man. I believe it's the fact the he sees what he likes and he goes after it, and doesn't care who knows it. He seems to be well mannered, and very respectful. But it's something more than that. Watch this, it says it all:
What did I tell you, there is something really special about this man. SO SMOOTH! In a suit all G'd up or in jeans relaxed and casual he is so fine. As former President Bill Clinton stated when asked why so many black folks loved and respected him, he simply said "we love the people who love us."
*fans self*
How can one man be so so sexy?? There is a certain masculine appeal but yet still quite approachable.
I couldn't be on that couch with him asking me what I was doing later. My answer would be a resounding "YOU".
Love the blog.
I do not even know! I cannot for the life of me put my finger on what it is about this man! I am just absolutely head over heals for him. Yes he is gorgeous, but it is so much more than that something about him is attracting!!!
That is too funny how he turned to Queen Latifah to say "I was a SEXY kid!"
I am not so familiar with him. But, yes, on many blogs run by black women, he's picture is up! I wonder if he knows about this fan base!
Queen Latifah was terribly nervous. Boy I think she felt what we all felt. He is a fine specimen of human. Like everyone, don't know what it is as I've never been star struck, but he and Viggo Mortenson just do it for me. Huge time!
Yeah, nice blog. Just came across it. Hope you bring back up the subject of Bill Maher, as I sure do agree with some of the things he says, re OJ!
I can not stop rewinding that part when queen latifah said " you shouldn't have to shave your body all by yourself"... and when he said " what are you doing later" I screamed. He is soooo sexy and I just found out yesterday we share the same birthday(nov 13th).
Oh my goodness I can not stop watching the part when Queen Latifah said " you shouldn't have to shave your body all by yourself"...and when he said " what are you doing later" and they start to dance, I had to scream. It is just really something about him he is sooooo sexy... and I knew we had a connection because I just found out we share the same birthday(november 13th).
I totally agree with u heather, he is one fine piece of art. Him and I agreed that the next time he needs a shave I will be his first choice.
Heather e-mail me ashembil@yahoo.com
I had heard that Latifah and Gerry were getting their flirt on, so I'm glad so to finally see the clip. Thank you for sharing.
Latifah didn't seem nervous to me. I wanted to give her a personal high five just for saying what most women were thinking when Gerry mentioned shaving. Work it, Dana, work it.
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